News - P7
2018/2019 School Year
16th Jan 2019
Well done to Eibhlin, Lucy, Kevin and John Paul, who travelled to the Guildhall...
14th Dec 2018
P7 presented an assembly about the 2nd Sunday of Advent to the school last week....
28th Sep 2018
P7 had a great day working with Joanne from Sentinus. They got the opportunity to...
2017/2018 School Year
5th Jun 2018
Primary 7 had fun playing a simple game using simple science! Air pressure forces...
23rd May 2018
Primary seven pupils were delighted to receive their World Cup booklets as part...
3rd May 2018
Well done to our P7 pupils, Jamie & Sara who danced on Friday night and...
25th Mar 2018
We spent a very enjoyable day in St.Mary's, Limavady, creating animations based...
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- Swimming
Faughanvale Primary School, 3 Vale Road, Greysteel, Co.Derry BT47 3EE | Phone: 028 7181 0529