News - P7
2019/2020 School Year
18th May 2020
Mathletics Superstars 😀
Our top 3 pupils in P7 this week are:
1. Grace 2....
4th May 2020
We remember Mary during the month of May. Our boys and girls have been busy at home...
27th Apr 2020
Congratulations to our top 3 mathletics stars for last week in P7🏅🏅🏅.
6th Apr 2020
To begin Holy Week, we thought we would share with everyone some of the wonderful...
9th Mar 2020
Congratulations to all the boys and girls in Primary 7 who celebrated the Sacrament...
6th Mar 2020
Best wishes on your Confirmation day boys and girls. As the sun brightens the world,...
21st Jan 2020
Primary 7 pupils recently enjoyed an art and craft day at St Mary's, Limavady....
8th Nov 2019
Today we celebrated All Souls Day led by our wonderful P7 pupils. It was a beautiful...
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- P7
- Playgroup
- Principal's Award
- Pupil Funds
- Pupil of the week
- Recorder
- School Choir
- School Council
- School Show
- Sports Day
- Swimming
Faughanvale Primary School, 3 Vale Road, Greysteel, Co.Derry BT47 3EE | Phone: 028 7181 0529