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Faughanvale Primary School, Greysteel, Co.Derry


2017/2018 School Year

25th May 2018
What a glorious day we had yesterday so Carrowmena. The children had an absolutely...
24th May 2018
Thank you to Laura and Claire from the Dry Arch Centre who delivered an informative...
23rd May 2018
Congratulations to our Gaelic football team on winning the Division 1 North Derry...
23rd May 2018
What a beautiful day for practising for sports day.
23rd May 2018
Tomorrow Primary 4A/B will be going to Carrowmena Activity Centre. The children...
23rd May 2018
Primary seven pupils were delighted to receive their World Cup booklets as part...
21st May 2018
Our P6 pupils visited St. Mary's Limavady on Monday as part of the P6 Curriculum...
20th May 2018
Congratulations to past pupils, Erinn McCormick and Finn O'Neill for their support...
18th May 2018
P5 had great fun selling smoothies from our Groovy Smoothie Bar.
18th May 2018
P5 had lots of fun creating pyramids at home for their Ancient Egypt topic...