2020/2021 School Year
16th Oct 2020
Congratulations to Jacob, Joshua, Jayden, Shane, Eoin, Callum, Kyle, Ruth, Katie,...
15th Oct 2020
Primary 2 are still using their Maths Eyes at home. Well done P2! π
15th Oct 2020
Primary 1 have been recognising numbers and following a spell recipe to make a very...
15th Oct 2020
P3s have been busy this week finding maths all around them, in the home and outside
14th Oct 2020
Dear Parents, as you will be aware from today's announcements, the Minister for...
14th Oct 2020
P3/4 have been praying a decade of the Rosary every day in October. Today we made...
12th Oct 2020
To mark the beginning of Maths Week 2020, P3/4 spent the afternoon hunting for squares,...
- All
- A week at a glance
- Assemblies
- Classes
- Cross Country
- Eco Council
- Football
- Friends and Parents Association
- Gaelic Football
- Homepage
- Internet Safety
- J2Blast
- Literacy
- Nativity
- Netball
- Numeracy
- P1
- P2
- P3
- P4
- P5
- P6
- P7
- Playgroup
- Principal's Award
- Pupil Funds
- Pupil of the week
- Recorder
- School Choir
- School Council
- School Show
- Sports Day
- Swimming
Faughanvale Primary School, 3 Vale Road, Greysteel, Co.Derry BT47 3EE | Phone: 028 7181 0529