2018/2019 School Year
21st May 2019
Can you please take the time to complete the following survey based on Assessment...
17th May 2019
Congratulations to Nicole, Farrah, Danny, William, Liam, Ned, Niamh, Bridget, Cahir...
8th May 2019
I would like to congratulate the children of Primary 4 on receiving their sacrament...
30th Apr 2019
Well done to Emily in P1, who recently performed, at the Derry Feis. ...
29th Apr 2019
Our Primary Four children will receive the sacrament of First Confession next Tuesday...
16th Apr 2019
Well what can I say. Our school choir pulled out all of the stops today and gave...
12th Apr 2019
As you are aware our school choir is performing in the Derry Feis Choir Competitions...
10th Apr 2019
We have had a very busy few days enjoying sporting activities with coaches from...
- All
- A week at a glance
- Assemblies
- Classes
- Cross Country
- Eco Council
- Football
- Friends and Parents Association
- Gaelic Football
- Homepage
- Internet Safety
- J2Blast
- Literacy
- Nativity
- Netball
- Numeracy
- P1
- P2
- P3
- P4
- P5
- P6
- P7
- Playgroup
- Principal's Award
- Pupil Funds
- Pupil of the week
- Recorder
- School Choir
- School Council
- School Show
- Sports Day
- Swimming
Faughanvale Primary School, 3 Vale Road, Greysteel, Co.Derry BT47 3EE | Phone: 028 7181 0529